Tahama is an exercise to practice passing
Practice passing and movement after pass.
Practice Level:
Teaching/maintaining basics.
Half court; 8 players placed as shown, 2 balls.
1 passes to 7 and fakes towards 3 then goes behind 6.
At the same tine 5 passes to 3, fakes towards 1 and moves behind 8.

Positions after 3 and 7 have received the basketball.

7 passes to 2, fakes towards 6 and goes behind 4.
At the same time, 3 passes to 6 fakes towards 7 and moves behind 2.

Back in the start setup.
Repeat until the players have reached their starting positions.
Change direction after 1 rotation or from time to time (on a signal, whistle) during a rotation.

Submitted by: Taha Abdeldjalil Hama
Categories: Passing, Footwork, Warming up