Basketball plays and drills
Free throws
Playname: Throw and move
A free throw drill.

8 players or more, 4 balls

Players 1,2 ,5 and 6 each have a ball and stand behind the free throw line.

Players 3,4,7 and 8 are ready to rebound the ball.

Players 1 and 5 take there shot and move to the corner of the court.
Players 3 and 7 take the rebound and get ready to take a free throw.

Players 1 and 5 sprint to the other side of the court.
Players 2  and 6 take their free throw.

While players 1 and 5 get ready to rebound
the ball shot by player 3 and 7.
Instead of one long sprint to the other side of the court different patterns are possible.
For example:
Sprint until free throw line, defense footwork
until the middle line, sprint free throw line and
defensive footwork until the end line.
Another pattern:
Sprint until free throw line, side steps until the middle line, sprint free throw line and again side steps until the end line.
Submitted by: Jes-Soft
Category: Free throws
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