Sheridan drill
A warming up or conditioning drill, with
Alternating periods of intensity
Possible focus points:
* outlet pass
* spacing (keep the fast break in mind)
* One tell stop
* chest pass (2 hands,...)
1 shot + rebound

1 gives an outlet pass to 2
1 goes behind 2 over the side line
Points of focus:
* Catch the ball at its highest point
* Don't bring the ball down
* Pivot

3 dribbles to the 3 point line and makes a jump stop.
3 passes to 1
focus points:
* 3 makes a one tell stop
* 1 stays at the side line until he reaches the extended free throw line, at that moment he goes to the basket under an angle of 45\'b0 (spacing principal)
* 3 passes in front of 1

1 takes the lay-up (or a short jumper)
3 rebounds the ball.
2 takes the pace of 3.
1 joins the group at the side line.

3 rebounds and gives the outlet pass to 4
3 goes behind 4 and follows the side line.

4 passes to 5
3 continues along the side line until the extended free throw line. Then 3 cuts to the basket under an angle of 45\'b0.

5 dribbles to the 4 point line and makes a jump stop.

5 passes to 3.
3 makes the lay-up.
Add more balls when the players understand the drill.

Submitted by: Christophe Verbeke
Category: Conditioning