Basketball plays and drills
Playname: Princeton pt6 high 3
Unless "chin" is signaled, "high" usually begins when the guard with the ball waves the other one through.

5 rubs off of the cutting guard to the elbow.

1 passes to 5.
After passing to 5, 1 has three options.

He may
1) screen away,
2) back cut, or
3) screen over the ball.
If 1 passes to 5 in "high", he may choose to screen away.

Again, depending upon the defense's reaction, either 1 or 3 will be cutting to the basket, and the other player will come back to the ball.

In this instance, 3 uses the screen, and upon receiving a handoff from 5, looks to drive to the basket.

If 3 drives, or penetrates and pitches to 4 or 2, 5 will pop out and "open" will begin.
If 3 is unable to drive, he dribbles at 4 who executes a backdoor/fill or flare.

1 pops out and to the wing and 5 sets a screen for 3.

Top flare situation begins.
Submitted by: Jon Huggins
Category: Offense
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