These plays are used for 5th and 6th Graders.
This Zone Offense is intended to get them to
move the ball from the strong to the weak side.
Point Guard 1 brings ball upcourt, calling #2
Zone offense before crossing half court.
Player's move after he crosses and says "Go"
Player 1 passes to either Player 2 or 3 that
pop up to the wings. In this example the
pass goes to Player 3. If Player 3 should drive or take jumper if he's open. Otherwise the play continues.
Player 4 pops to the corner to receive pass
from Player 3.
Player 4 looks to pass to Player 5 cutting
across or Player 1 dropping down to corner of
foul line.
If ball isn't passed to Player 5 or 1 then
Player 4 passes the ball back to Player 3.
At the same time Player 1 slides across the
foul line.
Player 2 moves to the top of the key.
Player 3 quickly passes to Player 2 at the top of the key who then passes to Player 1
who has dropped down from the corner of the
foul line. Player 1 either takes a jump shot or
drives to the basket.
Submitted by: John Hinton
Category: Offense zone