Basketball plays and drills
Offense zone
Playname: Mario
5 is give an area of responsibilty shaped thus.
5 would start behind the zone and generally on the weak side.
5 looks for the hole in the zone and pops to the hole.
5 would stay on the opposite side to the 3 and 4 player.
3 and 4's area is shaped as shown.If 3 goes low then 4 pops high to the free throw area.
The free throw area is extremely important to the entry pass.
Either 3 or 4 when occupying the high post position must be side on to the basket and not facing away.
If 3 or 5 receives the ball at the low post 4 cuts from high to low and 3 or 5 replace.
1 dribbles to make the zone react.If 1 dribbles low 2 cuts high to reverse the ball



Submitted by: Gary Windsor
Category: Offense zone
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