Basketball plays and drills
Playname: Half court - ucla
This is a passing drill that we use called "UCLA"!

1 passes to 2.
3 sprints up the court.
1 goes behind 2.
2 passes to 3.
2 goes behind 3.
1 sprints up.
3 passes to 1.
3 moves diagonally waiting for the pass.
2 moves up.
1 passes to 2.
1 goes to the opposite 3 point line.
3 starts to move into the paint.
2 passes to 3.
3 runs to his ball.
2 runs to opposite 3 point line.
6 passes the ball to 1 at the 3 point line.
3 catches and makes a lay up.
1 and 2 shoot 3 pointers; go to the broken line.
4 moves under the basket for 3's rebound.
1 and 2 get their rebound.
3 moves to the baseline.
4 moves to the baseline as well.
1 and 2 catch rebound and move to the baseline
4 passes to 5 and here we go again!

Repeat it as many times as you want!
Submitted by: WassUP!!23 Rodriquez
Category: Passing
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