Play sets up with a 3 out - 2 in alignment.
Ball starts in the middle, and is passed to one of the open wings (in this case #3)
Wings should look to walk their defenders down toward the baseline, then v-cuts hard back up to the foul-line extended.

As ball goes to right wing, #1 cuts to hoop along the right side of the lane.
#5 comes to up-screen for #1.
Player #1 should notice where her defender is and use either a front cut to use the screen, or a back cut. This all depends on where the defender is guarding you.

First option is player #1 if she is open for a quick shot or lay-up.
Lay-ups are always the first choice...

If pass is not there, and #1 is still covered, she curls to ball side corner to clear the lane.

As #1 is clearing the lane, player #5 should be turning to seal, and possibly blocking her defender on the high side.
If so, the next option is for #3 to pass to #5 for a
hi-lo pass & shot/lay-up.
If #5 has sealed her player, she extends her left hand as a good target to pass to.
Wing player #3 seeing #5's hand go up should be aware that we may have the defender sealed, and anticipate an upcoming opportunity for a leading pass.

If neither passing option is available, player #3 then dribbles to the top starting position and reverses the ball.
Player #1 will fill her position on the right wing.
Player #5 will slide back down to the block.

We are now back in the 3 out - 2 in setup again, and the ball is reversed to player #2 on the left wing.

As ball goes to left wing, #3 cuts to hoop along the left side of the lane.
#4 comes to up-screen for #3.
Player #3 should notice where her defender is and use either a front cut to use the screen, or a back cut. This all depends on where the defender is guarding you.

Again, the first option for the wing player is the cutter down the lane.
In this case player #3.

If #3 is still covered, she curls to the left side to clear the lane.

As #3 is clearing the lane, player #4 should be turning to seal, and possibly blocking her defender on the high side.
If so, the next option is for #2 to pass to #4 for a hi-lo pass & shot/lay-up.
If #4 has sealed her player, she extends her right hand as a good target to pass to.
Wing player #2 seeing #4's hand go up should be aware that we may have the defender sealed, and anticipate an upcoming opportunity for a leading pass.

If neither passing option is available, player #2 will then dribble to the top starting position and reverse the ball again.
Player #3 will fill her position on the left wing.
Player #4 will slide back down to the block.

Once again, we are in the starting position, with 3 out & 2 in.
1 will v-cut down and back up, and player #2 will reverse the ball again.
The key to this offense is receiving the wing passes in the triple threat position and being patient enough for the cuts and screens to develop.
Don't rush things. The more times you run the cuts & screens, the more likely it is that the defense will break down.
Submitted by: Scott Hanley
Category: Offense man