Zone offense against a 2-1-2 defense.
First 1 tries to go through the middle.

The defense will move towards the ball (collapse).

1 is able to pass the ball to either 2 or 3, in this case he chooses 2.

Defender 1 has to step out towards 2, while the whole zone moves towards the ball.

1 cuts through the middle towards the ball side corner using a screen of 4.
After the screen 4 should roll and post up.
5 cuts through the middle to the top of the bucket and post up high on the ball side.

2, 1, 4 and 5 or now on the strong side.
2 has a number of passing options into the zone.
Also if the zone moves quickly, 2 should also watch the skip pass to 3.

No passes are given and 3 goes towards the guard position.
4 takes the position of 3.

2 passes the ball to 3.
The zone has to move again, with the ball.

3 swings the ball directly to 4, zone moves towards the ball.

5 first goes to the other side of the bucket and will post up while going down the bucket line.
1 goes towards the top of the bucket.
3 cuts to the corner of the ball side.

4 has now the same passing options as 2 before the ball was swung to the other side.
The zone will already be less compact, so passing inside will be easier.

No pass is given and 1 steps out towards the guard position.

4 takes the low post position on the other side of the court, while 3 takes the position of 4.

Now the players are back in the starting positions.

Submitted by: Thijs Lohuis
Categories: Offense zone, Offense