Basketball plays and drills
Offense motion
Playname: 5-out motion - progressions 2
3-on-3 - Reacting with timing - Sequence 1
O1 passes to O2 and fakes a cut to the basket.
O1 makes a strong move to the free-throw line as a fake.
O3 walks his man into the key area, in preparation to make a cut to receive a pass, watching what develops and is ready to be a receiver should O1 drive..
O2 makes a good "V" cut, all the way into the lane area.
O2 squares up and looks at the basket after receiving pass.
Points of Emphasis
Cutting to the open area.
Target hands.
Squares up and looks at the basket after receiving pass.
Strong move to the free-throw line as a fake.
All players must watch each other and attempt to "read" each others intentions.
Creating space.
Recognizing space.
Reacting with timing.
3-on-3 - Reacting with timing - Sequence 2
O2 passes back to O1 who quickly reverses the ball to O3.
O3 has timed his cut so that O1 has had time to look at the basket, gives O1 two to three seconds with the ball.
O1 makes a good cut, all the way to the basket.
O2 walks his player toward the key in preparation to cut to the open area vacated by O1 and is ready to be a receiver should O3 drive.
O2 waits until O1 has cut past the foul line then make his cut to the open area on top.
O3 squares up and looks at the basket after receiving pass.
Points of Emphasis
Cutting to the basket (Creating Space).
Cutting to a newly created space (Recognizing Space and Reacting with Timing).
Target hands.
Squares up and looks at the basket after receiving pass.
All players must watch each other and attempt to "read" each others intentions.
3-on-3 - Reacting with timing - Sequence 3
O3 passes to O2, who quickly reverses it to O1 as in previous sequence.
O2 decides whether to actually cut or just fake. O3 must read O2's intentions and react accordingly. If O2 cuts to the basket, O3 must cut to the open area just created by O2 after O2 passes the foul line. If O2 fakes the cut, O3 must be ready to "V" cut back out to receive reversing pass.
Points of Emphasis
Good cuts.
Target hands.
Squares up and looks at the basket after receiving pass.
Cutting to the open area.
All players must watch each other and attempt to "read" each others intentions.
3-on-3 - Reacting with timing - Sequence 4
Add defensive players.
On any drive to the basket(O2 in diagram) :
1) Make sure the other two get to the receivers areas inside the key. One low on the opposite side of the basket from the driver (O3 in diagram), the other below the foul line (O1 in diagram).
2) Yell "Receivers" to remind them.
All players must watch each other and attempt to "read" each others intentions.
Points of Emphasis
Creating Space.
Recognizing Space.
Reacting with Timing.
Good cuts.
Target hands.
Squares up and looks at the basket.
Strong moves as fakes.
Cutting to the open area.
Receivers in position on drives.
Good passes to receivers.
Submitted by: Curtis Perry
Category: Offense motion
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