Coach shoots the ball; defensive players make contact, box out, rebound and outlet.
Boxing out technique for defense.
• yell "SHOT!"
• make contact with your offensive player - defensive forearm to offensive players opposite shoulder
• reverse pivot and make contact again with your butt.
• go get the ball!

Offensive players pressure the outlet pass.
Guard 3 calls "OUTLET!" when rebound is secure. Opposite guard 4 starts moving toward the centre of the court.
Rebounder makes a good outlet pass to 3 at the wing. Secondary outlet is to 4 at the top of the key.
Guard 3 now has three options:
1) pass to 4 coming across the middle
2) take it on the dribble
3) pass to 4 at the half-court corner.
1 sprints length of court for pass from either 3 or 4.

Submitted by: Curtis Perry
Category: Rebounding