This is a half court defense that looks to trap the ball when ever possible.
For this defense to work each player must understand the rules of dividing the court. The court is divided above the foul line and below and left side right side.
1 will be Point Player
2 & 3 will be Wings Players
4 will be Middle Players
5 will be Bottom Player

The rules for the Point Player, Middle Player and Bottom Player all involve dividing the court into:
above the free throw line and below the free throw line.
The rules for the Wing players involve mainly dividing the court down the middle.

Point Player Rules:
When the ball is above the free throw line the Point Player is on the ball. When the ball is below the free throw line the Point Player denies the pass out of the corner.
Middle Player Rules
When the ball is above the free throw line the Middle Player denies the pass to the high post. When the ball is below the free throw line the Middle Player denies the pass into the ballside low post.
Bottom Player Rules
When the ball is above the free throw line the Bottom Player is in front of the ballside block.
When the ball is below the free throw line the Bottom Player is on the ball.

Wing Players Rules
When the ball is on their side of the court the Wing Player is on the ball. When the ball is on the other side of the court above the free throw line the Wing Player plays the cross-court pass. When the ball is on the other side of the court below the free throw line the Wing Player denies the pass into the ballside high post.

Defensive positions when ball is in top right corner.
1 and 3 trap ball. Player legs should cross so the offense can't dribble thru.
2 play cross court pass. 4 denies high post. 5 denies low post.

Defensive positions when ball is in top left corner.
1 and 2 trap ball. 3 balls cross court. 4 denies high post. 5 denies low post.

Defensive positions when ball is in bottom left corner.
2 and 5 trap the ball. 4 denies low post. 3 denies high post. 1 plays pass back out the trap.

Defensive positions when ball is in bottom right corner.
3 and 5 trap the ball. 4 denies low post. 2 denies high post. 1 plays pass back.

Ball should never be allowed into high post but if it does get into high post this is how the defense reacts.
Non trapping wing player ( ie 3) drops to weak side post area. 4 stops advance of the ball. Trapping players ( ie 1 & 2) key and foul line area.
Forms a kind of 3-2 zone defense.

Ball shouldn't be allowed into post. Should it be this is how defense reacts.
2 sprints to weak-side low post. 5 and 3 sprint to low lane area. 1 goes to foul line area.

Submitted by: Mikey
Category: Defense