Guard Responsibilities:
1. Always pressure the ball man to man when it is above the free throw line extended.
2. Guards work in a tandem with one guard always being behind the other one.
3. Guards must keep the ball out of the high post area.
5. When up guard is on the ball, the back guard is in the high post.
Four basic guard positions.
1. Point:
Up is on the ball, back is denying the high post and is in a position to give help on the penetration.
2. Wing above free throw line extended:
Up is on the ball, back is denying the high post and is in a position to give help on the penetration
. Wing below free throw line extended:
1. Up, ball side guard, is 1/2 way to ball at free throw line extended.
2. Back, the other guard, is at the free throw line in the circle denying the high post.
4. Corner:
1. Up guard moves to a cut off position to deny the pass back to the wing.
2. Back guard denies the high post at the elbow.
Submitted by: Jerry Nicholson-Winnetka Bullets
Categories: Defense matchup, Defense