Animated basketball plays
Out of bounds baseline
Playname: Baseline out of bounds 021
Starting positions: out of bounds baseline
call = 1
Note that the weak side is further away from the basket.
4 sets a screen for 1, 1 steps to the side line.

5 sets a screen on 3, 3 cuts hard to the basket.
2 passing options:
a. To the cutting 3
b. To 1 at the sideline

If 3 doesn't receive the pass he/she goes to the ball side corner.
After 2 passes the ball, he/she goes the weak side corner.
If the ball is passed to 1, then 4 sets a screen on the defender of 5.
5 V-cuts over the screen and to the basket.
After 5 passes the screen 4 rolls to the basket seeing the ball first.
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Play submitted by: Erik Timmermans
Sub category: Offense man

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