1 Passes to either 2 or 3.
1 cuts through looking for ball, then AWAY from ball.
2 fills space left by 1.
4 fills space left by 2.
3 can pass to 1 on the cut or to 5.
3 passes to 2.
3 cuts through looking for pass from 2.
3 goes to 1 spot.
5 fills space left by 3.
1 fills space left by 5.
2 can then pass to 4 or 5.
2 passes to 4.
2 cuts through looking for pass from 4 then goes to low weak side.
5 fills space left by 2.
1 fills space left by 5.
4 can then pass to 3 or 5.
4 passes to 3.
4 cuts through looking for pass from 3.
5 fills space left by 4.
1 fills space left by 5.
2 fills space left by 1.
3 can then pass to 5.
3 passes to 5
3 cuts through looking for a pass from 5
2 fills space left by 3 looking for a pass from 5 as they cut through
4 fills space left by 2
5 can then pass to 2 or 1
5 passes to 1.
5 cuts through looking for a pass from 1.
2 fills space left by 5.
3 fills space left by 2 looking for a pass from 1 as they cut through.
You are basically reset and ready to fun through it again.
Pass, Cut, Fill.